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So far ben has created 32 blog entries.

Tanzania Lion Illumination Project

"The largest problem in Africa for wildlife is habitat loss and human wildlife conflict... there are more and more problems where people and wildlife meet." When an animal kills a part of their livelihood or a loved one, the local villagers are left no choice but to eradicate the problem. This type of

The CAMPFIRE Program

Zimbabwe's CAMPFIRE program is an incredible success story for the utilization of wildlife for the benefit of the people.

Grants in Action: Take Action Zimbabwe

The Take Action Program is one of Zimbabwe's premiere dog training programs to help fight anti poaching. We are proud to support projects like these across the dark continent and beyond.

A Desperate Decision

When hunting is removed from an area, the rural African is left with no choice. This excellent piece follows the decisions that must be made when this valuable asset is banned.

Grants in Action: Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation

Today, with the guidance and direction of Education Coordinator Scot McClure, OTF has established the OA education program in more than 500 schools across 35 states. OTF provides curriculum and equipment grants to schools who have adopted Outdoor Adventures as well as providing avenues for teacher training and workshops without charge. With about

The Fall SAFETY Extravaganza

Thanks to the volunteer efforts of the DSC 100, the Fall SAFETY Extravaganza introduces the shooting sports and field safety to a new batch of future outdoorsmen and women every year.

A Bold New Direction

It has never been more apparent than it is today that local communities are the key to the future of wildlife conservation. How will they be motivated to protect the game? By bringing them value. We salute President Masisi for his decisions that benefit both the people and wildlife of Botswana.

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